Milk Collection
Milk is obtained from lofty elevations.
The milk collection process for Churpi, a dog chew made from yak milk, begins with yaks and cows grazing at altitudes exceeding 10,000 feet in the Himalayan region. These animals feed on abundant herbs and medicinal plants, resulting in nutrient-rich milk. Skilled herders carefully extract the milk using traditional methods, ensuring its quality and integrity.
This nutrient-dense milk serves as the key ingredient in crafting Chhurpi, providing dogs with a natural and nutritious treat.
The milk is boiled
Heating milk to a temperature of 95 degrees Celsius effectively eliminates microbes and harmful bacteria. Following this, centrifugation is employed to separate and remove the fat content from the milk.
The resulting skimmed milk is then utilized in the preparation of delectable churpi treats for dogs.
From Milk to Curds: The Curdling Process
The curdling process begins with heating the milk and adding natural lime, which contains acidic substances. This causes the milk to coagulate, separating it into curds and whey. The curds are then cleaned and strained using purified water to remove impurities, ensuring a pure and high-quality product.
Overall, the curdling process, followed by cleaning and straining, is a vital step in the production of Chhurpi dog chews, as it lays the foundation for creating a wholesome and nutritious treat for dogs to enjoy.
Straining and Pressing
Straining and pressing follow curdling in the Chhurpi-making process. Curds are drained to remove excess moisture and then pressed to form dense blocks or logs, resulting in the characteristic chewy texture of Chhurpi.
Overall, straining and pressing play a crucial role in transforming the curds into the characteristic dense and chewy texture of Chhurpi. This process ensures that each chew is uniform in texture and free from excess moisture, resulting in a high-quality and long-lasting treat for dogs to enjoy.
Drying or Aging
After pressing, the Chhurpi is subjected to either air-drying or aging to further refine its texture and flavor. During air-drying, the Chhurpi is left in a well-ventilated environment to gradually reduce its moisture content. This process helps develop a firmer texture while allowing its flavors to intensify. Alternatively, aging involves storing the pressed Chhurpi in controlled conditions for a specified period. This aging process allows for the natural enzymatic reactions to occur, enhancing the Chhurpi’s flavor complexity and chewiness.
Both methods contribute to the Chhurpi’s distinctive characteristics, ensuring a premium-quality treat for dogs to enjoy.
Cutting, Shaping and Packaging
After drying or aging, the Chhurpi blocks are cut and shaped into smaller pieces of varying sizes and weights, with Small pieces measuring 7-9cm in size and weighing 33 grams, Medium pieces measuring 11-13cm in size and weighing 70 grams, Large pieces measuring 15-17cm in size and weighing 130 grams, and Extra Large pieces measuring 17-19cm in size and weighing 200 grams, all suitable for chewing and catering to various dog breeds and preferences.
Subsequently, the finished Chhurpi dog chews are packaged and distributed to pet stores and retailers, offering natural, long-lasting treats for pets.